Given the rapid and tectonic shifts in the business environment and ever-fresh challenges to management thinking, anything lasting over a year would appear an anachronism. However, in the last few years there have been issues that have dominated business conversations and continue to do so. I did a quick poll among a small group of...Read More
This anniversary issue looks at the future and we ask some leading Indian CEOs to share their vision of the workplace, impact of technology and finally, management principles that will lose relevance and those that will survive the test of time. Predicting the future has never been easy, always fraught with....Read More
There is a perception that developing economies in their pursuit of growth are not concerned about climatic change or the environment. Yet, the highest scoring consumers in terms of their environmentally......Read More
Around 86% of the world lives in developing markets of which more than 20% live in one country – China. The population of China is estimated to be between 1.3 and 1.6 billion. In that range of error is the entire population of the US. . It has 150 cities with over a million population...Read More
There was a new entrant in Interbrand’s Top 100 Global Brands in 2010 – the first brand from an emerging market (EM) to make the list. In at number 85, it was corona beer from Mexico. Interbrand defines a global brand....Read More
I am talking to James Robinson in the newly opened Bulgari hotel in upmarket London after listening to him deliver a talk about the book that he has co- authored. I am wondering whether the voice of...... Read More
Since its inception in 2008, The Wharton Future of Advertising Program (WFoA) has served as a catalyst for deeper insights, bolder innovation and broader positive impact of “advertising”Read More
Over the past 10 years, publishers have continued to monetise their sites with banners and pre-roll ads, and advertisers have continued to pump billions into these formats, in spite of tanking performance and near- universal disdain. While click-through rates on display ads started out at around 9% in 2000, they now hover around 0.2%Read More