In India, Indian weddings and now anniversary celebrations can take epic proportions. They are tradition, laced with a good dose of modern contemporary pop culture played out on a global stage amidst friends and family from far and wide. They spread good cheer and strengthen bonds and create stronger networks, both social and business. But, do they also serve to send a message to those not invited? Exclusion can be a far stronger message than an invitation to be a part of the inner circle. In India, average number of guests at a wedding will make any westerner faint with disbelief and shock. The more the merrier. Marriage and other family celebrations are a public affair, unlike in the west where they are private to be shared with family and perhaps very close friends, if at all. The young today do things differently from the older generation, some want lavish five day affairs, some just the family alone and some will plan their entire wedding. Do the parents reserve the right, morally if not legally, to plan and take matters into their hands or should they submit to their children’s wishes? Weddings are occasions for reciprocating the good will and hospitality parents have enjoyed at similar occasions celebrated by friends and family. Is it right to take away this moment from them? However, is it fair to subject the children to something that they do not wish for – after all whose wedding is it anyway?